Fish Stocking Scheduled at Regional Waters
JEROME, Idaho (KLIX) – If you’re looking to spend a little time with your tackle box in the near future, you might be happy to learn of the many regional waters that have or will be stocked with catchable rainbow trout.
The Idaho Department of Fish and Game says at least a dozen waters will be stocked this week, with another round of stocking scheduled for more than a dozen waters the following week.
Fish stocking is tentative and is dependent on water and weather conditions. All fish stocked are 10- to 12-inch rainbow trout.
The waters to be stocked, including the number of fish, are as follows:
July 2-6
Big Smokey Creek, 1500
Crystal Lake, 300
Featherville Dredge Pond, 1000
Filer/L Q Drain Ponds, 345
Frank Oster No. 1, 226
Lake Cleveland, 5000
Little Smokey Creek, 950
Riley Creek, 226
Rock Creek, 1225
Snake River @ Niagara Springs, 250
South Fork Boise River, 475
Trapper Creek, 713
July 9-13
Baker Creek, 250
Big Trinity Lake, 2000
Big Wood River, 1190
Castle Rocks State Park Pond, 500
Frank Oster No. 1, 226
Gavers Lagoon, 713
Lake Creek Lake, 335
Little Trinity Lake, 713
Little Wood River, 220
Little Wood River, 200
North Fork Big Wood River, 250
Penny Lake, 380
Riley Creek, 226
South Fork Boise River, 1900
Trail Creek, 357
Warm Springs Creek, 715