Adult Only Throwback Thursday Returns To Twin Falls Skateland
Skateland has been operating in Twin Falls since 1956 and hosting events for forever. When they did the original Throwback Thursday it was a hit. Now, they are having another one.
Next Thursday, February 21st, they are having an adult party starting at 7 p.m. and running until 10:30 p.m. They are even going to have bar service provided by The Log Tavern.
Apparently this time they will also be having a DJ named Wormo, who apparently is from The Pocket, to play some songs. You can even give him some requests. I think it should be required that no song requests will be accepted if they are from the 2000's. I mean, that isn't really throwback right?
For $7.50 you can go skating like it's 1975, listen to music like it's 1985 and drink like it's 1999. That includes skate rentals also. So, adults only, if you are looking for something fun to do, just remember it is 2019 and it is a school night.