What Would You Do? Would You Put Rock Netting in Twin Falls Canyon?
What would you do? What would you do if you were offered a job that asked you to risk your life, test your limits and possibly face one of your biggest fears every day? What if I told you that it offered great money? Certain jobs we take for the money, but certain ones aren't worth it. With the job in question, you could help the community and safety of people, but also risk your life at the same time. What is this job and would you do it?
Who Puts Up Rock Netting?
Driving into the canyon or around any mountain range in the area, it is not uncommon to see nets around the side of cliffs to avoid rock slides. There will usually be signs that say, "Beware of fallings rocks." Has it ever crossed your mind as to who has to put these nets up? It seems like it would be a dangerous, yes also gratifying job. There are pros and cons and I bet they get paid well. At what cost though is it not worth it to risk your life to do a job? For me, I don't think I could be the one to do the netting, but let's look into why people may and may not want to have that task.
Putting on Rock Netting Is Dangerous
The thought of having to propel down the side of a cliff or climb one to put netting on does not sound like a fun time to me. I am deathly afraid of heights, and also there is a reason that the net is being put up. What is to stop a rock from falling while the process of the next is being placed? I am sure they have a technique to avoid this from happening, but that still doesn't comfort me enough. Some of the cliffs in the canyon are at straight 180 degree angles and are very high up. It takes one oops and you are done for. I am sure whoever does it gets paid well, but not well enough. For what it is worth it costs between $800 thousand and $1.2 million to put each next up, so you can guess the worker is getting paid decently.
The Thrill and Satisfaction of Putting Up Rock Netting
Sitting in an office is no fun. Working on a side of a cliff does not sound like fun to me, but to some, it might. There are tons of thrill-seekers around, especially here in Twin. People jump off a bridge for fun here, so there have to be people that would enjoy this job. I am sure it takes a lot of strength to be able to do it, but it also takes the enjoyment of heights, thrill, and a little danger. There is a satisfaction as well knowing that you are keeping people safe from protentional rock slides. With the thrill you bring yourself and the safety you bring others, I can understand why people would do the job, but for me, it's a big no.

The next time you are driving around, look at your surroundings and think to yourself, " I wonder who did that." You will find yourself wondering if you would be willing to and who had to do it. It's a dangerous, scary job and someone did it so the rest of us wouldn't have to worry about rocks falling on our cars or top of us. Whoever did the job deserves a big thank you, but it does raise the question still of if you were assigned to do it, what would you do?
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