Woman Offers Coronavirus Humor

We all recall when coffee was bad for us. Then it was good for us. The studies come along every few years and rewrite what we’ve been told is the truth.
The research on coronavirus moves quickly. Light speed when compared to studies about caffeine. An old boss sent me the hilarious video below.
there were some liberal scolds who later told me I was disrespecting the sick and dying
A young woman is offering what she calls “News Tips”. In this edition she’s addressing what we know, or think we know about the virus.
I’ll meet people who’ll say this isn’t a laughing matter. Really? What do we have left about which we can laugh? A couple of weeks ago I posted on my Facebook page I had plans to get vanity plates for my car. I wanted both to read “COVID-19”. And I suggested it would keep other drivers away from me while I’m on the road.
Most responses were of mild amusement but there were some liberal scolds who later told me I was disrespecting the sick and dying. Because as you know, they were on ventilators and scrolling through my Facebook feed. In hopes of being cheered up by some pictures of flowers or heaven. If it was the latter, they may already have been gone.
For those suffering from another ailment, such as job and home loss, perhaps you’re looking for anything that’ll take your mind away for just a few minutes.
I believe the video below is the tonic. Like much sharp humor it also offers some very serious criticism of the current situation.
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