The 7 Best Places to Get Donuts In and Near Twin Falls
School is back, which means having to get up early and take the kids to school, dealing with more morning traffic, and often running behind schedule because of it all. When you get behind schedule in the morning, it can be easy to forget to grab or eat breakfast, and doing so can throw off your whole day. A quick and easy fix can be to grab some donuts that you can eat on the go and enjoy some type of food in the morning. When it comes to Twin Falls and donuts, there are many choices and it can be tough to decide where to go. Here are some of the best donut places in Twin Falls, and why they are so good.
Ath Donuts in Twin Falls
Ath Donuts are commonly brought up when discussing the best donuts in Twin Falls. They have been around a long time, and are well located at 705 Blue Lakes Boulevard North. They have cake bread, glazed, and anything else you would want. Their boxes are easily recognizable all over town, and their donuts are delicious. It was one of the first places I was told about when moving here, and have had them often. All of these places are worth trying, but Ath is a great one to try first.
Jim Bob's Bakery in Twin Falls
Jim Bob's Bakery has been in Twin Falls since 1984 and has been serving up delicious treats for 38 years. Located near downtown Twin Falls at 352 2nd Ave is one of the best places you are going to find to get donuts in the area. You can't be open that long and not be doing something right. They have a variety of donuts, good prices, and might have the best maple bar you will ever eat. One of the best parts about Jim Bob's is that it is local and you won't find it anywhere else. If going down 2nd in the morning, it is a must-get for any donut lover.
Duck Donuts in Twin Falls
Duck Donuts is still relatively new to Twin Falls, but their donuts have been a hit since they arrived in town. Duck Donuts is unlike any other donut shop you will find. When you walk in, your donuts aren't made. You choose exactly what you want and they make it fresh right in front of you. They are warm and fresh, and you can be as creative as you want when it comes to what kind of donuts you get. I would give my recommendations, but I have liked every single one I have had so far, which is a lot of types of donuts. They are located at 148 Cheney Drive near Burger King and Pizza Hut in the Walmart parking lot.
Don's in Buhl
If you live outside of Twin to the west or happen to be heading to Buhl, make sure to stop by Don's and get one of the biggest donuts you will ever see. Their maple bar donuts are bigger than a brick, and unlike some of the others on this list, one or two donuts and you are full. At most donut stores you can eat four or five donuts and be content, but at Don's, it wont take that many. Size matters and Don's proves that bigger is better. Don's is located at 115 9th Avenue North in Buhl.
Kiwi Loco in Twin Falls
Many think of Kiwi Loco as a place to get frozen yogurt or Boba, but they also offer donuts. This is the place you will get your more creative, out-there, over-the-top donut. They will decorate them to match the season or holidays, and they make some creative donuts. If you like sweet and sugary donuts, this is the place to visit. Frozen yogurts and donuts together sound like a great pair if you want to live on the adventurous side.
Glazed Over Food Truck in Twin Falls
Glazed Over is a new Donut food truck in Twin Falls, and separates from others on this list, due to the fact they are mobile. They also offer a wide variety of donuts and drinks. They will make them fresh for you, as you pick out your toppings. The only negative is finding them consistently, but when you see them, stop and get yourself a warm soft donut or two.
Fred Myer in Twin Falls
Sometimes going simple is all you need. If you are out and running errands, stop by Fred Myer to pick up some groceries and anything you need, and while you are there go by the bakery and pick up some donuts. They may seem simple and not as fresh, but they are good and will leave you filling fulfilled and happy. Grab a box for work, before you start a road trip, or because you are craving donuts.

You can't go wrong with any of these places, and it all depends on your budget, preference, and maybe location as well. Each place offers something a little different and all of it is delicious. Donuts are one of the best on the go and quick foods to eat, and the next time you are craving a donut or a dozen, make sure to check out these places first.
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