3 Twin Falls Intersections That Need a Roundabout Refresh
There aren’t many roundabouts in the Magic Valley. It does take a minute to change the idea of using a roundabout instead of a traditional intersection, but the result is fewer accidents and less expensive upkeep.
Traditional 4-way intersections result in higher-speed accidents. Head-on collisions and T-bone accidents are much worse. Pedestrians have to cross traffic flowing 2 ways instead of one. There’s also more idle time at a stoplight versus the constant flow of a roundabout which increases emissions problems. Roundabouts even cost less to upkeep. And yet, Americans still resist.
Will the Magic Valley Ever Embrace Roundabouts?
Roundabouts won’t work for every intersection. In Twin Falls, most intersections are too small, but there are 3 that could use an upgrade.
5 points at Blue Lakes has so many accidents not from only out-of-towners but seasoned locals as well, that an upgrade should be met with cheers and thanks. No more illegal left turns onto Addison from Blue Lakes? What would we do?
Anyone who has driven in Twin Falls for longer than a week and says they haven’t witnessed an accident at Washington and Addison is lying. Between people illegally turning left to get a burger and not knowing where to turn left to get onto Addison you could sit and watch for an entire afternoon of entertainment.
Blue Lakes and Pole Line may be a traditional 4-way intersection, but the wait times there should put us on the map for smog warnings every Friday afternoon. The 2 left turn lanes aren’t long enough to accommodate the wait time and heaven forbid you need to get across to go to Costco or McDonald’s.
Roundabouts will ultimately save us and the city time and money. Adapt and move on Twin Falls. Merge into the traffic flow and enjoy the ride.
RELATED STORY: Twin Falls Drivers Don’t Know How To Use A Roundabout
And personally, I can’t say roundabout without thinking of this bit.