What’s The Difference Between A “Creek” And A “Crick”
I grew up in southern Nevada, there isn't a whole lot of water there unless you count the ever so dwindling body of water that used to be Lake Mead and is now more like Mead Pond. So I have heard people call these little flowing creek/brook things both a creek and "crick". Is there a difference?
I have family from the Midwest, everyone, or almost everyone, in Wisconsin calls them "cricks". However, growing up where I did, it is my understanding a "crick" is a discomfort in your neck and a "creek" is a small flowing body of water.
I have also heard that a "creek" and a "crick" are both flowing bodies of water, it just depends on the size. A "creek" is supposedly larger. A "crick" is more like a brook or even smaller, like a spring. But then, why don't they just call it a brook?
This is a confusion that has plagued me since I moved here. What exactly is the difference between a "creek" and a "crick"? I don't want to use the dictionary because let's face it, it is a pronunciation issue. It is kind of like people in the Midwest adding the letter "r" to a bunch of their words. It was like nails on a chalkboard the first time I heard my family from Wisconsin say they were going to "warsh" my clothes, not "wash" my clothes.
My grandma will also occasionally add an extra breath where it isn't needed when saying words that start with "w". So if she said "white" it was more like "Hu-wite".
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