What Would You Do? Design Your Perfect Room in Idaho
What would you do? What would you do if you could have the room of your dreams? You had the money to afford any kind of room and could design it to be anything you imagine, what would you choose? The possibilities are endless, and there is no right or wrong answer. What would be the most unique room you could come up with?
Designing Your Dream Room
My son recently asked if we could redo his room into a jungle and it got me thinking how awesome it would be to have a jungle room. Plants, a waterfall, maybe even a stream running through it would be so relaxing and the perfect getaway to lock the door and feel like you are in another place. How would one even go about making a jungle room? Finding someone to design the room would be tough, but if money wasn't an issue, then I am sure someone would be willing to do it.
What Type of Room Would You Want?
There are unlimited possibilities when coming up with your dream room. Since my son asked me this question, I have come up with a few ideas, and all of them seem like a must if I ever become a billionaire. I am fascinated by jungles, so I love his idea of a whole room designed to be a jungle. I think a shark tank room would be cool to have as well. One that would be fun as a kid and adult would be a room of just trampolines. Ceiling, walls, floor, all of it would be trampolines. A common one I continue to hear is a secret room or room with a secret passage. Also, one I have heard multiple times is a massive library like in the mansions in movies.
Making Your Room Your Own
While making a room a jungle, trampolines, or a pool, sometimes it may be best to make your ideal personal room. Simple is ok too. Maybe you have always dreamed of an arcade, or a room made up of something in your favorite movie, tv-show or video game. Having a room made up of your favorite sports team is ideal for any sports fan, or maybe making a room into a type of stadium or arena replica of your team. Depending on what you are into will affect what type of room you want. Here in Idaho, maybe a room full of deer or elk would be ideal, or a giant fishing pond in the middle of the room.

To be able to make this a reality would be amazing. Imagine walking into someone's house and seeing one of these rooms. Would you not instantly think, "I have to have a room like this," or want something similar? I am with my son and would want a room with a waterfall, a stream flowing through it, and be in a jungle. Maybe I would buy exotic birds to fly around the room as well. If you want to make this a reality, make sure to come to the Home and Garden Show February 11, 12 and 13 at the CSI Expo Center, and see if you can find someone to make your perfect room for you. If you could have any type of room in your house, what would you do?
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