7 Smells That Could Make Selling You Idaho Home a Little Tricky
Certain smells in each home can make a home smell incredible, or it can keep friends and family from wanting to visit. The same can be said for certain towns. Some towns may smell amazing if they are located near a bakery, while others may smell bad if they are near a paper mill or farm animals. The nostrils are a sensitive part of the body and smells can make or break when it comes to living somewhere. What smells in Idaho could cost you from selling your smelly home, and may have you looking at lowering your expectations?
Mildew and Mold in Idaho
Mildew and mold are things that not only can be smelt but visually cost you from selling your home as well. The smell not only is bothersome but be a threat to a person's health as well. The smell of mold and mildew can lead to coughing and isn't good for the home either. It may end up costing you money, not only in selling the home but also in getting it out of the house.
Smoking in Idaho
Many Americans smoke to relieve stress, because they enjoy it, or for several other reasons, but one problem with smoking is the smell that it leaves behind. If someone smokes inside their home, the smell will linger and for those that are non-smokers, they would likely prefer the smell not to be in their new home. It is a smell that is hard to get out of a house as well. While smoking outside could help solve this problem, smoking outside when it is four degrees, isn't enjoyable.
Animal Pee in Idaho
If you have a pet in the house that occasionally has accidents, or has been having them for years, perhaps you have grown accustomed to the smell. People looking to buy a new home may notice the smell if they aren't familiar with it, and it may turn them off from wanting to buy a home that smells like cat or dog urine. Make sure to empty the litter box and clean up any places an accident has occurred to try and mask the smell the best way you can.
Smelly Farm Animals in Idaho
While dog and cat urine and accidents are one thing, they are a smell you can typically remove from the home, but one animal smell you can't prevent is that of farm animals. Living in Idaho, there are plenty of farms around, and depending on how close or far you live from a farm with plenty of animals, can dictate how much you smell daily. If the wind picks up and blows in the right direction, it doesn't matter where you live, we all smell it, but for some homes, the smell is more frequent, and it could make it tough to sell your home, or force you to come down a little bit from your desired selling price.
Dog Food Plant in Idaho
For anyone who lives in Buhl, you might not even notice anymore the smell of dog food, but for someone not familiar with it, the smell could be a turn-off and something they don't want to whiff every day. It isn't a smell that commonly bothers residents, but it could be a turn-off for someone potentially looking to move into the area. Going beyond dog food, certain plants and factories offer unique smells, so living near one could lower the value of your home, depending on what kind you live near.
Gas Leaks in Idaho
This one is pretty obvious, as the smell isn't just bad, but it is also alarming and means there are bigger issues. If someone is looking at your home and smells gas, then the home likely shouldn't be on the market, and the owner needs to be notified because there are bigger concerns than only a smell. Nobody would want to buy a home if they had to worry about gas leaks, as well as it may raise questions about what else is wrong with the home.
Stinky Food in Idaho
Before people begin visiting your house to see if it is their next home, make sure to take out the trash and clean out the fridge of any potent smells of bad food. Even if the fridge won't stay in the home, make sure to clean it out, because if it is opened, the smell can linger and then when potential buyers are back home discussing pros and cons, your house might be known as the smelly one. They would think of the potent stinky food every time they think of your home, likely removing it from consideration.

When it comes to selling your home, many people are concerned about what it looks like, but remember all senses will be taken into account, so it is important to make sure your home smells good as well. When getting rid of some of these smells, make sure to not overcompensate and have your home smell like the cleaning aisle at the store. These are only a few smells that could hurt you when selling your house or could prevent you from buying one. What other smells would you not want in your home?
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