The Magic Valley Is Worshipping the Devil and Going to Hell
For many, it is their favorite time of year. Yes, fall is nice, but they enjoy it because of what comes with the season. Halloween is approaching, and it means that spooky attractions are open, scary decorations are popping up, and many scary movies are on television. Some can not wait for Halloween and love to celebrate it for a month or more, while others view it as a satanic holiday and prefer to keep their children away from it. With how much the Magic Valley gets into the spooky season and how much many seem to enjoy it, is it fair to ask if the Magic Valley is headed to hell this time of year?
The Devil is Taking Over the Magic Valley
Most view Halloween as a fun night of children and adults dressing up in costumes, children getting candy, and having fun scaring people. Others view it as a day the world celebrates the devil and are against all things Halloween. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and beliefs, but one thing is for certain and that is that the Magic Valley enjoys this time of year. There are many spooky attractions that are open and packed every weekend, there are stores that are busy, with shoppers browsing Halloween costumes, decorations, and candy. Driving around Twin Falls, there are many spooky decorations in yards, and some have been up for a while. Should this holiday be encouraged this much, or should it be dialed back?
Twin Falls is Going to Hell
Twin Falls is known to be a more conservative community, with many churchgoers making up the population. Celebrating Halloween one night a year is ok to most, but for others, it needs to be a month-long celebration, which is where residents differ in opinion. Seeing a child dressed up and asking for candy is a part of the tradition and is adorable, whereas seeing devils, demons, and hellish decorations is too much for some. What message is it sending to kids when they go by a home and see a demonic creature? It is hard for parents to navigate the Magic Valley this time of year and keep these types of things away from their children. Most residents are respectful, but there are those who take it too far and give children nightmares, causing them to ask questions, and force their devilish ways onto their surrounding neighbors.

One of the best things about this country is that no matter if you agree or disagree with it, both sides can have their ways. We have the right to put ghouls, demons, and ghosts in our yards, while others have the right to boycott Halloween altogether. The Magic Valley may love Halloween a little too much, but for those who enjoy the holiday, the attractions, and all that comes with it, you are in the right place. For those who are looking to avoid hell, the next month might be a little tough in the Magic Valley.
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