Proposed Bill for ‘Pet Friendly’ License Plates Receives Several Co-sponsors
(KLIX) – A former Idaho politician wants to help Idaho's veterinarians with a bill for “pet friendly” license plates.
Former Rep. Hy Kloc proposed the bill last year, just as he has several years, but was met with opposition. This year hopes to be a different matter with several co-sponsors of the proposed bill. So far, the proposal passed the House floor.
House Bill 105 aims to help control the pet population and support rural veterinarians with pet-themed license plates. He said proceeds would go to the Idaho Humane Society.
“I am very excited to be back in the legislature working on such an important piece of legislation.” Kloc said in a statement. “This is an issue that is very close to my heart. I sincerely hope that the current legislature will take advantage of this opportunity to manage our pet population.”
Last year, the proposed legislation was defeated on the floor with a tied 31-31 vote. Rep. Melissa Wintrow, one of the co-sponsors, is optimistic that it will pass this year.
“I am honored and humbled to help Rep. Kloc move this through the legislature,” Wintrow said in a news release. “Right now, this bill has bipartisan support. The best way to ensure that we are doing everything we can to take care our furry friends is to fund the organization that has been so critical in protecting Idaho’s animals.
“After all,” she continued, “dogs and cats are legislator’s best friends!”
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