8 Places Around Twin Falls You May Find a Car Actively Rocking
Last week a video made its way around Twin Falls and the Magic Valley of a Range Rover rocking in the park in broad daylight. The woman that recorded it was criticized for filming it, while others were disgusted that someone would rock the car in a park and across from a church in the middle of the afternoon. Many puns and jokes followed, but as the discussion progressed it became clear that there are many better spots to rock your car. While it is no way encouraged to go out and do so, there are plenty of places around town where you may find a car rocking, and here are some of the places you may have a chance to record a video of your own.
Rock Creek Park in Twin Falls
If you are wanting to see a car rock in the park, as well as other things you probably shouldn't see, then Rock Creek Park is the place to go. As most know, there are already drug deals going on down in the park, so why not be a prime location to park the car and have a little fun. Just like the video from last week, you would hope people wouldn't choose such a public place to do this, but if you don't see that, you may be able to get a video of something else entertaining. If your timing is off, you can always enjoy the cats in the area.
Centennial Park in Twin Falls
The first time my family and I drove to the bottom of the canyon to Centennial Park, my wife and I both said that we would have to worry about my son coming here when he was older. Ironically, we saw a car rocking the first time we were there as well. It is hidden away and a spot that isn't overly populated if you go at the right times. It would not be shocking to catch a car moving down here and this is a reason to be cautious when taking your children with you to this area.
The South Hills South of Twin Falls
This one may be a drive and not seem as obvious as others, but if there is one thing we learned last week it is that no place seems to be off-limits. When my family and I went to cut down our Christmas tree this past December, we saw a couple that had to get out of their car and "rearrange." We didn't see the car rocking, but we had just missed something. There are multiple hidden trails and places to park, and it would never be a surprise to see a car moving.
Devil's Corral Near Twin Falls
I have not heard of this place until someone brought it to my attention. Without being there, it is hard to know the odds of finding a car rocking here. According to locals, this is a beautiful place to hike, escape town, park and have a little fun. Make sure to lock your car if you hike here, so your car isn't the one getting rocked. With the weather warming up and more people getting out to hike, hopefully, this location won't be active for the wrong activities.
The Park in Jerome
Seeing how the video that started all this was filmed at a park in the middle of the day in Jerome, it only seems fitting to include it on the list. While not recommended at all, if you have the urge to rock the car during the day, do not do it in the park. Do not be surprised to catch someone in their car if you are visiting the park though. If there is one thing we learned last week, it is that no place is safe.
Parking at Walmart After 10 PM
This one ranks up there with the park in Jerome for me. A coworker brought to my attention how odd things seem to occur at Walmart after 10 PM. He was convinced he saw a drug deal go down in a car. If that activity is taking place, then you know a car is rocking in that parking lot at some point. Why it is rocking might depend on who is in the car, but for good people watching and doing odd activities bring some popcorn and observe the Walmart parking lot late at night.
Mall Parking in Twin Falls
If you have ever seen a car parked far away in a mall parking lot or a big shopping center parking lot, there is a reason they are there. Sometimes it may be someone that left their car, an employee, or often times it is someone that isn't there to shop. The next time you are at the mall, look around the parking lot and see if any cars are parked far out in a place that seems out of the ordinary. Pay attention long enough and the vehicle might begin moving.
Jerome North Canyon Park
This place has been mentioned by a few different people and is notorious for some adult activities. There is a trail where you will often see used products, empty boxes of different used products, and signs of prior activities. The one problem with this location in terms of seeing a car rock is from the stories I have heard, it doesn't sound like many people are in their cars here. There are multiple nicknames for the area, and apparently for good reason.

While most of us hope to not come across a car doing what the one last week in Jerome was, if you do happen to spot one, these are the locations it is most likely to happen. Some may think it is wrong to record them or for anyone to be doing such activities in a car, to begin with, but to many, it is humorous, entertaining, and a can't miss opportunity. Keep your eyes peeled, and you may end up with a video of a car rocking in Twin Falls.
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