One Killed, Another Hurt in Crash with Logging Truck Near New Meadows
NEW MEADOWS, Idaho (KLIX) A 25-year-old New Meadows woman died after being thrown from a pickup when it hit a logging truck Monday afternoon. Alicia Lamere was a passenger in the older Ford pickup driven by 28-year-old Bruce Haynes, of New Meadows, when he failed to yield at a stop sign on State Highway 55 a little after 2 p.m., according to Idaho State Police. A loaded logging truck, driven by Eric Fuller, age 43, of Sweet, was head down the highway when Haynes entered the intersection. The pickup went off the road and rolled ejecting both Haynes and Lamere who were not wearing seat belts; Lamere died a the scene, Haynes was taken the a hospital in McCall. The truck driver was wearing a seat belt and did not need to be hospitalized. Part of the roadway was blocked for about four hours.
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