Want An Idaho Winter Hot Tub Built For A King? Call These Dudes
There's nothing better than hot tubbing on a cold winter day. If you're in the market for a unique tub for your Idaho home and want it built right, there's a crew that has its own YouTube channel that you might want to reach out to that has the man-power and tools to construct one that's fit for a Nordic king.
The YouTube channel, HeavyDSparks, recently caught my attention because my wife and are getting ready to purchase a hot tub. For a couple of summers, we owned one of those inflatable tubs that you can buy at Walmart for $300. We found out it's very easy to puncture them, so we trashed it.

This time around, we are going to buy a real tub, one that actually has seats and maybe a few bells and whistles. We get a good deal of snow where we live, so a setup that includes a gazebo would be incredible. If I had the money, I'd check with these guys to see what their spring availability is.
I searched "hot tub," "Idaho," and "winter" on YouTube and the HeavyDSparks channel came up. I'm not sure if this crew lives in the Gem State or not, but their videos are very entertaining.
One video in particular titled, "We Almost Boiled Roman Atwood and Cleetus Alive in our Cauldron HOT TUB," is absolutely crazy. They hauled a massive, cauldron-style hot tub hung by chains out to the middle of the woods and suspended it over a raging fire to heat the water. The channel has millions of subscribers, so it appears I stumbled upon it a little late in the game, but I'm glad I found it.