The holiday season is one of festive decorations, bright lights, and spreading holiday joy. Many homes are lit with bright and colorful Christmas lights this time. Some put up one color, others put up multiple colors, and in some extreme cases, lights are synced up with music and change colors throughout the night. People pay plenty of money for these Christmas lights and to show off their decorations, and while most prefer to keep their decorating and holiday joy at home, not everyone is that way, and some decide it is best to spread joy by also decorating their vehicles. When it comes to decorating your vehicle in Idaho this holiday season, what is legal and what is illegal?

Decorating Cars With Christmas Lights in Idaho

Credit: Honey Fangs on Unsplash
Credit: Honey Fangs on Unsplash

There are those in the Magic Valley and around the Gem State that not only enjoy decorating their homes but also their vehicles as well. They will put a bow on them, wrap them in wrapping paper, or even wrap them in Christmas lights. While some will enjoy this spectacle and view it as spreading holiday cheer, it can also be dangerous and illegal. There is a right and a wrong day to decorate your vehicle this holiday season, as well as a safe way to do it. If wanting to make your vehicle festive here are some things to know. 

Is it Illegal to Put Christmas Lights on Your Car in Idaho?

In Idaho putting lights around your car could get you fined, but there are legal ways to do so. By watching the video above, it explains how legally you could put Christmas lights on. Essentially you are limited to only a few colors of light, such as yellow, white, and red. They must be placed in the proper places, with white being in the front, and red in the back or on the side. All other colors would result in a fine and break Idaho law. You can read more about the law by clicking the link above. Even when obeying these color laws, you could still find yourself being pulled over if the car is so bright it becomes a distraction on the road. 

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When in doubt, it is best to not wrap Christmas lights around your car. The only exception to this is when light parades are happening, as there are permits that are granted, allowing cars to use whatever colors they want during that period. If you want to decorate your vehicle this holiday season, it is best to use wrapping paper, a wreath, or something of that nature, but to make sure it is secure on the car and not come off, putting others in danger. 

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Gallery Credit: Credit Unsplash

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