Illegal Activity in the Gem State Could Lead to Death If Not Stopped
'There is nothing to do in Twin Falls.' This phrase has often escaped lips in the Magic Valley, and it typically irritates residents. There are plenty of activities and events to do in the Magic Valley if someone knows where to look. There is indeed no theme park, no aquarium, and the area lacks certain attractions, but overall there is plenty to do for entertainment. Not everyone agrees, and it is because of this, that some take matters into their own hands and decide to make their own fun. Sometimes this is done in a way to add fun for the whole community, and other times it involves doing things that one shouldn't. There is one illegal activity that has been happening too often in the Magic Valley lately, and if something isn't done, it will likely lead to death for not one, but multiple people.
Illegal Racing in Twin Falls
Racing in the streets of Twin Falls is nothing new, but it does appear to have picked up and has been more common lately. It typically picks up as the temperatures drop, the days get shorter, and there are fewer options to get out and do in the area. Lately, there have been too many cars deciding to race illegally through the streets of Twin Falls, and doing so is putting lives at risk. Breaking the law and racing is never a good way to spend time, but there are safer ways to do it instead of racing down Pole Line or Blue Lakes, which happen to be the two most traveled roads in town.
The Dangers of Racing in Twin Falls
To be clear, racing through town is against the law and will end in a fine, a court date, and possibly jail time. While it might be tempting to do when a road is wide open, with little to no cars in front of you, it is still illegal. The issue that the racers cause though is that they are not attempting to do these races when the streets are empty, but instead when many vehicles are still out. By attempting to swerve in and out of traffic, running lights, and having to slam their brakes, they are not only putting their lives on the line but also those of everyone on the road. These racers have already decided to make a bad choice and risk their lives, but are now risking the lives of those who did not volunteer for this activity and wanted nothing to do with it.

Racing through the streets of Twin Falls is nothing new, and it will likely continue to be an activity that a select few in the Magic Valley continue to do. Police officers in the area are aware that it is taking place and monitor it to the best of their ability, but with other problems in the Magic Valley, it won't always be caught, especially depending on the night and how other illegal activity plays out. If you see anyone racing, report it to authorities, and do your best to get out of their way until they are no longer near your vehicle. For those looking to race, find another activity and a way to entertain yourself that won't put your life or others at risk. Your next race could be your last.
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Gallery Credit: Credit Google Street
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