Idaho Is Putting Off Filing Taxes This Year
It is the dreadful time of year that many try to ignore and are in denial that it is happening. Tax season isn't only upon us, but it is in full swing now. With the first month in the books, you should have everything you need now to file your taxes. Some may have it done already, while others are groaning, and putting it off for a few weeks, or perhaps a couple of months. You are not alone if you are putting it off, as many procrastinate doing their taxes, but how many people put them off for as long as possible, and when is the absolute latest you have to have your taxes done?
Procrastinating Taxes in Idaho
Nobody enjoys doing taxes, and it is a burden every year. While getting money back is nice, the effort that has be put in to do so sometimes doesn't feel worth it. There is tons of stress, lost time, and sometimes, you owe money, which adds to the agony. These are a few reasons why so many put off doing their taxes. According to a recent study by, you are not alone in putting them off, as 29 percent of Americans admitted to putting off doing their taxes. The study shows that 11 percent have already done their taxes, 40 percent will do them this month, 30 percent will file in March, and 19 percent will be stressing it out as they file in April.
When Are Taxes Due and Why People Avoid Them
One of the reasons many may avoid doing their taxes on time, is they aren't sure when the due date is. One in five Americans think they have until April 18, when in fact the deadline is April 15. The number one reason given for avoiding taxes is that people find them too stressful and complicated, with the number two reason being too time-consuming, and the third reason being that they want to make sure they are correct. The average American expects a return check of just over $2,500, with 30 percent expecting less than last year, 50 percent expecting about the same, and 20 percent expecting more. Interestingly, only a third of the country files their taxes themselves, with the rest using an accountant or some sort of service.
You can put it off and try to avoid it, but unfortunately, taxes aren't going away and will be there waiting for you until mid-April. It is best to sit down, get them done, and relieve yourself of the stress now, instead of letting it drag out. Hopefully, you receive a nice check at the end of it all to help you feel even better about having them done. To see the full survey and which states put off doing their taxes the most, make sure to click the link above.
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