Health District: First Death Related to COVID-19 in Minidoka County
The following is a news release from South Central Public Health District:
MINIDOKA COUNTY –South Central Public Health District (SCPHD) confirms Minidoka County’s first death related to COVID-19.
The individual was female and over the age of 70. She was hospitalized and had complicating health factors.
May 15th, SCPHD announced community spread in Minidoka County. Public Health officials urge all residents to take extra precautions to slow the spread of COVID-19. This includes practicing social distancing at all times, wearing a mask in public places, and isolating immediately if they begin showing symptoms of any virus.
South Central Public Health District is running two COVID-19 informational hotlines, one in English at (208) 737-1138, and one in Spanish, at (208) 737-5965. These hotlines are currently running from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Please refer to https://phd5.idaho.gov/coronavirus for the latest local numbers and https://coronavirus.idaho.gov/ for Idaho-specific information.
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