For Twin Falls ID Sky Watchers, October Will Bring Many Meteors
For southern Idaho fans of all things space related, the month of October will bring many opportunities to catch glowing space debris streaking across the night sky.
We will be flipping the calendar from September to October a week from Friday, and along with Halloween, the month will also provide some celestial treats in the form of not one, but two different meteor showers.
Thursday (October 7), and Friday (October 8), will be the peak evenings to witness the Draconids Meteor Shower. The evening prior, October 6, will begin the New Moon Phase as well, which means 18 days will have passed since the previous new moon.
The Draconids will precede the Orionid Meteor Shower by two weeks, and will peak in the skies above us on October 21 and 22. That gives Idaho viewing fans a couple of different chances to break out the telescopes, that is, if the October weather gives us some help in the form of clear skies.
Mercury will also be at its greatest westerly elongation from the sun in late-October. The Draconids were named after the constellation, Draco the Dragon, which can be seen between Ursa Major and Ursa Minor. The combination of the two October meteor showers will result in thousands of incredible viewing opportunities.
We hope you find a nice, dark spot to view this month. Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve, in southern Idaho, is one of the best spots in the state for these types of events. Lucky for those of us in Twin Falls, it's only a 90-mile drive northeast.
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