Fish and Game: New Rules Aim to Prevent Chronic Wasting Disease in Idaho
JEROME, Idaho (KLIX) – The Idaho Department of Fish and Game says it is trying to prevent a disease that affects certain wildlife from entering the Gem State.
Fish and Game Commissioners recently approved several new rules aimed to help prevent the disease, but also to manage it if it ever were to be found in Idaho.
The new rules, according to a news release by the department, includes banning “the import into Idaho of the carcass or any part of a wild deer, elk, or moose from another state, province of Canada, or country (other than Canada) with any documented case of CWD.”
To view exceptions to the rule, click here.
According to the Chronic Wasting Disease Alliance, the neurological disease affects elk, deer and moose, causing degeneration of the brain that can result in emaciation, loss of bodily functions and death.