Fill The John Deere Bucket At D&B In Twin Falls Saturday
If you are out and about Saturday, you can help the Salvation Army, Stotz Equipment, Lofthus Group and Dream Big Idaho by filling up a John Deere tractor bucket with your donations.
Theevent is from 11AM - 4PM at D&B Supply in Twin Falls. All donations go to the Salvation Army and stay in the area. If you would like to donate toys, the age range is from infant to 14 years old. They are also accepting cash, toiletries and clothing.
According to their Facebook page event:
Stotz Equipment will be partnering up with Dream Big Idaho Lofthus Group, D&B Supply, Smith's Food And Drug, Albertson's, and Salvation Army to help families in need have a wonderful CHristmas this year. We will be at D&B Supply this Saturday Dec. 1st from 11:00 AM- 4:00 PM. Please help us fill the bucket. A John Deere tractor bucket that is. We are filling it with donations, gift cards, toys, clothing, food, money to help these families this Christmas Season. We will see you there.
For more information click here