Farmers Almanac: Cold And Slightly Snowy Winter Headed Our Way
The Farmer's Almanac has their annual weather summary for November 2019 to October 2020, and it looks like Twin Falls is headed for a colder and slightly snowy winter.
My very first winter here was Snow-magedon so as long as we aren't going to have another winter like that, I don't really mind what kind of weather we get this winter. However, according to the Farmer's Almanac it looks like it is going to be a cold one, at least the beginning of 2020.
It looks like November is going to be warm and dry, so the chances of a white Thanksgiving isn't exactly great. December looks like it is going to be an average December. I think that means we are most likely going to have a white Christmas. I mean, is it Christmas if there is no snow? It does say that the snowiest periods are going to be mid to late December and early and late January.
As for the beginning of 2020, January is supposed to be colder than normal and have more precipitation. I am not a meteorologist but to me that means a snowy and cold January. February looks like a mix of rain and snow because the temperatures are going to be higher.
Now March and April pretty much look miserable. Much colder and much more precipitation than average. So that probably means that we are going to have days where it is 70 degrees and sunny and the next day 4 degrees with snow. Ahh Idaho weather.
The Farmers Almanac is a great source but everything could change with a sneeze in Idaho.
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