Ugh. Spring Has Sprung and Now California Must Clean
Some people don’t feel like spring has begun until after Easter. Here we are. The leap forward clock change time lag is no longer an excuse. Spring Cleaning is a thing and it needs to start now. Nobody knows why we torture ourselves by waiting until spring to make this happen, but there are procrastinated tasks to undertake.
Inside Chores You May Have Neglected
Get on a ladder and get the cobwebs out of the corners.
The pantry was packed and is now a bit empty, so why not clean out the food that didn’t get used? Donate anything that hasn’t expired and get rid of the rest.
The blinds need dusting. After that gets done, the windows show how badly they’ve been neglected. Break out the squeegee and get to ‘em.
Outside Chores to Do Before it Gets Too Hot
Canine land mines have been waiting for attention. Before the kids go out for yard gymnastics, ensure there aren’t any messy surprises.
After the bombs have been cleared, aerating is a good idea. Services are available, but the exercise and outdoor fresh air can be beneficial.
When was the last time the garbage cans had some attention? Hose down the bins after the next trash day and make them sparkle like the first day you moved in.
Detailing the car tends to be left until the next forever comes. Make it a priority to tackle pulling up the seats and really getting in there.

Now, sit on the porch and people-watch for the next 6 months.
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Gallery Credit: Emma Stefansky
I feel like I should clean the house. I'm going to lay down until the feeling passes.
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