Popular Store in Twin Falls Closing its Doors at End of the Month
Over the last couple of years, Twin Falls has seen many stores come and go. Some stores have opened and closed in the same year, and other stores that have been in Twin Falls for years are seeing their doors close for the final time. It seems that every week and every month another store is closing, and the trend doesn't seem to be ending. Each store has its reasons for closing, but one common theme is that many of them are seeing the results of the pandemic catching up with them, even after a couple of years have passed. While many of us are looking to get back to normal, many of the local stores are seeing the repercussions, and it is causing Twin to say goodbye to stores they love. One popular store in Twin Falls is set to close its doors at the end of the month, and while the sales will be nice, losing the store will hurt more.
DGDC in Twin Falls Closing this Month
Unfortunately, as the trend seems to continue, another store will be closing in Twin Falls at the end of the month. DGDC, located on Falls Avenue near the Turf Club will be seeing its doors close at the end of October. For those unfamiliar with DGDC, it stands for Disc Golf Distribution Center, and as the name states, they sell disc golf supplies, as well as darts supplies. Owner Mike Stradley has run DGDC for the last 14 years and started selling his merchandise out of his van. He eventually was able to rent the space he currently occupies, where his store has been for the last ten years. When COVID hit, it closed his store down for two months and he was forced to release his employees. With rent more than tripling and the effects of COVID from a couple of years ago finally catching up to Stradley, he has been forced to close the store, but before we all shed a tear, hope may not be lost.
DGDC Closing Doors, But Not Closing Business
While Mike is sad to see his business closing, there is work behind the scenes to keep the business afloat. Mike is in talks with the people of Toytown, located on Blue Lakes, to rent space on their second floor to keep selling his dart and disc golf merchandise. How that will look is still being discussed, but according to Mike, it is all but a done deal. Odds are the floor will not be just DGDC merchandise, as there is a possibility of other partners renting space as well. If all goes according to plan, Mike is hoping to be up and running again in Toytown by the day after Thanksgiving, also known as Black Friday. As the current location approaches its final days, be sure to stop by and take advantage of the deals. Each week the discounts will get better, but the stock will decrease, so don't wait too long.

While this trend of stores closing in Twin and the Magic Valley is disheartening every time it happens, at least for some of the stores, and DGDC in this case, all is not lost. The physical store may close, but many of these businesses are continuing to run online and out of their homes. The store we have all enjoyed visiting on Falls may no longer be open this time next month, but if all goes according to plan, we will still be able to talk disc golf and darts with Mike and also be able to enjoy his plethora of options to help those in Twin continue to purchase their dart and disc golf needs. Get on out to DGDC before it is too late, and take advantage of the great deals before everything is gone.
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