Why Your Sprinkler System in Twin Falls is Lacking Pressure
If you live in Twin Falls and use pressurized irrigation, here's why you are losing pressure.
(tfid.org) The City of Twin Falls is asking homeowners with Pressurized Irrigation to reduce nighttime watering and increase daytime watering during the day, as the stations that provide water to homes for sprinklers and other non-potable uses are being overwhelmed at night and under-utilized during the day.
Some areas are experiencing a drop in pressure because too many pressurized irrigation residents are irrigating at the same time.
“The systems are not designed for all residences on Pressurized Irrigation to water at the same time, so some stations are periodically overflowing during the day because they are only being use at night,” said Rob Bohling, City of Twin Falls Water Superintendent. “Stations that are being over-utilized at night are unable to keep up with demand and will shut-down to avoid pump burnout.”
Customers connected to Pressurized Irrigation will experience a loss or reduction in water pressure to their sprinklers during peak usage periods — typically at night and before dawn. The City is asking customers connected to Pressurized Irrigation to please adjust watering schedules to increase use during the day and reduce it during the night. This schedule only applies to customer with Pressurized Irrigation. Potable water users are asked to continue following their current schedule.
Pressurized irrigation reduces demand on the aquifer’s limited water supply by utilizing canal water for irrigation purposes — on average it has reduced the community's demand on the aquifer by nearly 5 million gallons per day. Not all subdivisions in Twin Falls are connected to pressurized irrigation. The pressurized irrigation system, which was initiated in 2000, is now required in all new subdivisions. But many older homes still irrigate with potable water that is supplied by the City’s three-well system. However, pressurized irrigation water is not safe to drink, as it comes from an open canal system and is not treated.
For more information, please visit the City’s website at www.tfid.org or call 208-736-2275
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