What Does Twin Falls Need to Go Into the Old Boomerang Building?
A couple of weeks ago the coffee shop Boomerang Coffee in Twin Falls closed. It is sad to see another business in Twin Falls close, and while we grieve the loss of these stores, the grieving period typically doesn't last long as the anticipation and game of what will fill the vacant building begins to pop into residents' heads. With Boomerang having had such a good location in front of a major shopping center, across from a high school, and within walking distance of the hospital, whatever goes in will be in prime real estate. The building is currently not being used, but with a drive-thru window, and a prime location, what should move into the old Boomerang Coffee?
What Should Go In Old Boomerang Coffee Building?
With a building having a drive-thru built in, it makes sense that whoever moves in should take advantage of it and use it. One thing we don't need is another coffee shop, replacing where one just was. What should move into the location then? There are plenty of fast food options that would make sense, but seeing where the location is, there is one choice that makes perfect sense and would be an amazing addition to Twin Falls. There is something that most people enjoy eating, would be great to get on the way to school, dropping off students, or before starting a shift at the hospital. What is it? A donut shop with a drive-thru would be perfect to go in the vacant building.
Drive-Thru Coffee Shop in Twin Falls
Twin Falls has some amazing donut options in town, but to purchase and get your donuts, you have to park, get out of the car, and often suffer through cold, windy, wet, or hot weather. Donuts are something easy to eat on the go, take to work, and aren't overly expensive. Having a place to be able to pull up, get a single donut, or a dozen, and go on your way without braving the elements would be a great addition. The drive-thru is already in the building, and the location would only increase the traffic flow. It would make it easy for parents to grab breakfast for themselves and their high school teenager as they drop them off. It would be easy for driving teens to grab a donut or two before school, and for nurses and doctors headed to the hospital, they could grab a box for their coworkers to start the day. It makes too much sense, not to be successful.

Will a donut shop with a drive-thru move into the old Boomerang Coffee? Perhaps, but nobody knows at this time. Could a new donut store move in to fill the building, or would it be better to see a store already in town move to a new location to take advantage of the drive-thru window? Perhaps something else moves in and closes the window up or another food option takes over, but a drive-thru donut shop should at least be considered. What would you like to see move into the building?
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