Twin Falls Potter Heads Get Your Letter At Hogwarts Harvest Fest
For anyone who felt slighted because they didn't get their Hogwarts letter, the next best thing is happening in Jerome in just a few weeks. The Jerome Farmers Market is holding their 8th annual Hogwarts Harvest Festival at the Mountain View Barn.
On Saturday October 12th from 9 a.m. to noon there will be a festival all things Harry Potter and I am ridiculously excited. There will be a costume parade starting at 11 a.m. and the kids can trick or treat between 10 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.
There are so many other events happening like eating lunch at Hogwarts, Quidditch tryouts and experiments with Professor Sprout. If you are not a fan of Harry Potter chances are this all sounds like garble to you. For the rest of the Potter heads, keep reading.
Apparently you can also check out Platform 9 3/4 for the Hogwarts express, check out a haunted forest with Aragog and maybe even make a deposit into Greengot's bank. The inner child in me is squealing right now. It is the closest thing to getting your Hogwarts letter and forget you are a muggle you are going to get without maybe going to Potter World.
There will also be a silent auction for those who want to brush up on their Harry Potter swag. I have to wonder how I have never heard of this, especially if it is the 8th annual one. The event gets over at 2 p.m. but that is plenty of time to enjoy all things Potter. It may be time to bring out the long robes and magic wands.
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