The last weekend of Summer in the Magic Valley
Well, it's here. The end of the 2018 Summer. Don't lament the the passing warmth, grab what is left of the summer and run with it. Fall begins on the 22nd, but really, it's still Summer until Monday, right? Let's frolic in the last of the warm weather for every moment can squeeze out of it.
CSI has the Challenge Course open 4pm-8pm on the 20th. I've been told even a novice like me is welcome and encouraged. Challenge accepted? Or maybe on Saturday go for the 2018 Walk to End Alzheimer's - Magic valley. That's like enjoying the last of Summer and doing good stuff at the same time!
There's races at the Magic Valley Speedway this weekend. Anyone who hasn't taken in the local track is missing a piece of the Magic Valley they won't forget. It's a blast and happens in good weather. Oh, look! The forecast calls for good weather! CRAZY!
Go out kayaking/hiking/boating/biking! Centennial Park gets you in the water and you don't even have to get your feet wet! Canyon Rim Trail is open and ready for business, and it's free! But you can drop in just about any park this weekend! Swing on swings. Teeter on Totters. Merry the go round until you barf! Get the last of the warm vitamin D before you have to worry about snow glare!
Just have fun this weekend. Barbecue with the neighbors. Heck, have an impromptu block party complete with horseshoes, corn hole, ladder ball and rings. Next week we can worry about yoga pants, sweaters and boots. This weekend, it's shorts, tank tops and flip flops!