What if I told you that the person you felt was being overly nice to you was being paid to be a little flirty with you? It could be happening around Twin Falls.
Here’s a list of the most popular rom coms in each state. Look, I’m not really into rom coms, so I didn’t even know what half of these movies on the list...
The only thing I know for sure about PDA is...some people love it and some people hate it. The people that love it, tend to show their affection in all different kinds of public places. I have seen make out sessions at the zoo, children's events and the gym...of all places. I am not a fan, but I tend to be slightly old fashion.
If you must show PDA FemaleFirst reports the ten most acceptable forms
According to a new study, almost half of women still have deep, deep regrets about the One Who Got Away. The study also found that men regret the one that got away . . . but their "one" is a high-paying job.
The study was done at Northwestern University. Researchers surveyed 370 adults, ranging from 20 years old to 80, and asked them to list their biggest regrets.
According to CareerBuilder's annual office romance survey, 31% of people have dated a co-worker at some point in their career. And 38% of them ended up MARRYING that person.