Beep boop, whirrr zing dibble dibble grrrggh. That line was for the robots reading this post. For the rest of us, you better get used to a robot being a part of your life...but I don't think you need to learn beep-boop languages yet.
I have a shirt that says 'I'm not lazy - I just really enjoy doing nothing'. So, if there were a robot that I could get to do menial task for me that would be great!
The future is evolving a bit faster than anyone expected. Meet iStruct, a quadruped robot designed to mimic an ape. It's learned a new trick: to stand on two legs like a human.
Last week DARPA and Boston Dynamics unveiled "Atlas," a humanoid robot that looks more like it belongs in "The Terminator" rather than working in our homes.
If robots do eventually turn on us and take over the world, this is what our new robot overlords will look like.
Leave it to Japan to develop a hair washing robot. So far it looks like they are only using it on mannequins. It’s only a matter of time before the robots move from hair washing to human subjugation. Watch below.
Imagine losing the ability to walk. Imagine losing said ability for over 20 years.
Now, imagine the kind of elation you'd feel if an invention came along that made it possible for you to walk again.
That's exactly how the man in this video felt after using the ReWalk ExoSkeleton robot. Designed by Argo Medical Technologies Ltd., the robot is a lightweight brace device that attaches to your legs an
A robot will throw out the ceremonial first pitch before Wednesday afternoon's game between the Philadelphia Phillies and the Milwaukee Brewers.
The robot, appropriately named Philliebot, was created by University of Pennsylvania students Jordan Brindza and Jamie Gewirtz, and will be part of Science Day at Citizen's Bank Park in Philadelphia.