It's tax day, which means a lot of you are written or have already written massive checks to the government. For those of you that didn't have to pay, you may have already spent your tax refund.
I may be the only one that does this, but I doubt it! From time to time I will buy an article of clothing, like a jacket, coat or even a pair of shoes, and I'll wear it for a few hours or around the house to make sure I like it. If I'm not 100% happy with it I will take it back to the store...
Have you ever bought clothes, kept the tags on them while you wore them out . . . then returned them? If you're a man, probably not. If you're a woman . . . yeah, there's a decent chance you have. Even though that's dirty.
According to a new survey, about one out of every eight women say yeah, they've bought some expensive clothes, worn them out, then returned them the next day.
My friend and I went shopping today and I had a few returns to make. She pointed out that I am always returning things which is kind of rude. I never thought of returning things as rude I just figured if something wasn't exactly what I wanted I had every right to take the item back...
Think that your Grandma will adore the new Miss Me jeans you picked out for her? Think again. Clothes and shoes are the gifts that are returned the most often after the holiday season.
According to a recent MarketTools study from, apparel accounted for 62 percent of returned gifts last Christmas. Other presents that customers also brought back (but far less frequently) were:
Have you ever found a lost wallet or a BIG bag of money? For the most part everyone knows that if you find some one's wallet you return it so they don't lose their mind looking for it, right? But, what if you found $17,000.00...would you return it?
Chicago Tribune printed a story that on June 6th, 54-year-old Robert Adams of Arlington Heights, Illinois, found a Chase Bank bag of cash near an A
After all the drama, headaches and "WINNING," is there a chance that Charlie Sheen will return to 'Two and a Half Men'? The answer may surprise you.
According to the Chicago Tribune, the troubled actor, who is in the midst of his 'Violent Torpedo of Truth / Defeat Is Not an Option' tour, sat down with a local Boston radio station Tuesday night, during which he said there have been "