There are so many new ideas to float. Why rely on nostalgia or a repeat of what Twin Falls already has here? Onward and upward with something new and completely different.
Have you driven down Shoup Avenue in Twin Falls lately? If you have, you may have noticed that the Twin Falls VFW (Veterans of Foreign Wars) and DAV (Disabled American Veterans) building is in poor condition. The building's biggest concerns are plumbing and the need for a new roof.
We are all familiar with the giant hole, known at the Boise Pit, that has been in downtown Boise for years. The giant hole has officially become Boise's newest and tallest building. Thousands of people were in downtown Boise over the weekend for the grand opening of the 17 story Zions Bank building.
Have you or anyone you know built a house?
My friends are planning on building a house and after months of looking at lots, they FINALLY agreed on one. Now all they have to do is find a house plan they can agree on. Sounds simple, right? Not so much! Last night my friend called me in tears because she got into an big argument about a staircase with her husband. Apparently, the argument got so heat
There was a major thunderstorm that raged through New York City on Tuesday night. The rain came pouring down and the thunder slammed loudly throughout the night.
A lot of dogs were hiding under beds, children were scared, and adults were pretending not to be. The storm was so crazy that New York's most famous landmark, The Empire State Building, was struck by lightning at least three times -- and
3D has taken over popcorn movies, and now it's taking over the art world, too. Through a medium called "Projection Mapping," artists are creating mind-blowing works by shining amazing designs on plain surfaces through projectoes. The results are pretty amazing: they can change the texture of a building, the decor of a room and altogether warp the laws of physics. Check out videos of some