While many good things happen this time of year, it is also one of the most annoying times, mainly due to one factor that makes people a little crazy in Idaho.
There are a few signs that your prime has passed you by and you are beginning to decline and start feeling old. Here are a few signs you may be getting there.
Most of us gather a lot of information from Facebook. We see who won the Golden Globes, if anyone won Powerball, and what Birthday parties and other celebrations our friends had over the weekend.
Even though Facebook keeps us in touch with entertainment, friends and families we are ALL are annoyed by Facebook at times...
We all have good bathroom habits and bad bathroom habits. And a lot of us are completely annoyed by some of our spouses bathroom habits. So let's talk about it. What bathroom habit annoys you the most. According to New York Daily News, these are the top annoying things men and women do in the bathroom.
We may love our co-workers or they may drive you crazy because you spend more time with them than anyone else.There's not a single person in the world whose co-workers are polite and considerate 100% of the time. So, if you had to narrow it down to the rudest thing that your co-workers do, what would it be.
I love Christmas music! But that doesn't mean I love all Christmas music. For every good 'O Holy Night' there is an equally horrible version. The same goes for almost every Christmas song. But... which song takes the cake? What is the most annoying Christmas song?
Are you tired of Facebook, or just annoyed by certain Facebook trends? Trends like: Throwback Thursday, games, Flipagram, your feed not updating, people sharing too much information etc.
I will admit, that I annoy my husband on a daily basis, and he can slightly annoy me too. It just happens when you've been with someone for a while. According to a new survey from Female First, here are the ten things men do that annoy women the most. Is this list really accurate?