Shoshone Police Asking For Help With Door To Door Salesmen
It is that time of year door to door salespeople are out and about. They are just people trying to do a job and make money for themselves. However, there are still rules and laws they have to abide by. Shoshone police are asking for help locating some salesmen that aren't exactly playing by the rules. According to the City of Shoshone, three Kirby Vacuum cleaner salesman who are from California are illegally soliciting in the residential areas. Apparently, the City of Shoshone does not allow permits for solicitation in residential areas, so no matter what they aren't allowed to be there. The police have gotten calls and complaints about these people and apparently, a few of them have been charged with various crimes.
Police recently said, "We, along with many of you would prefer them to leave town."
I mean that right there should be enough for these guys to move along. If you see them please call SIRCOMM's nonemergency line at 208-324-1911
I mean they have been given verbal warnings, how are they going to just ignore police like that. Not a good idea. Not to mention could they have found a more creepy van to do this? Nothing against white vans, but they do have the stereotypical criminal activity associated with them. So if you see them, help the police out.
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