7 Reasons Why Travelling Away from Twin Falls Isn’t Worth it
Traveling is one of the most fun things in the world. You get to see different cultures, different landscapes, historical landmarks, and explore the country or world. While many of us look forward to taking trips and seeing different places, sometimes staying home is the better way to spend a vacation. There is a lot that goes into taking a trip. The finances, the planning, the getting there, and figuring out where to stay and what to do can all be stressful. Here are some of the reasons why it is better to stay in Twin Falls and the Magic Valley than to take a trip elsewhere.
The Airports are too Far
One of the bad things about traveling away from Twin Falls is when it comes to flying, figuring out which airport can be a burden. There is an airport in Twin Falls, but not every airline comes through here, leaving your options to Idaho Falls, Salt Lake City, and Boise. All of them are about a two-hour drive or more and can make it tough, especially with little kids. Having kids sit still in the car for a couple of hours and then having to sit for a few more on a plane, can drive any parent crazy.
It is Expensive to Travel
Depending on where you go and for how long, will depend on how much you spend, but outside of camping any trip will be pricey. Gas has come down since last summer, but it is still expensive, flights are rarely cheap, and booking a hotel adds up each day you decide to stay. That doesn't include food, souvenirs, and whatever you decide to do on your trip. The money you saved up for months all is gone in a matter of days.
It Takes too Long to Get Somewhere
With Idaho being located in the northwestern part of the country, it makes many destinations further away. Outside of Salt Lake City, Boise, and Yellowstone, most tourist places are a decent drive or flight time. Even a weekend in Vegas is a good 8-hour drive, making weekend trips tough, and bigger destinations work to get to.
Flights and Schedules Can be Tough to Match Up
While finding flights in and out of any of the airports isn't hard, flying out of smaller airports limits your options. I recently took a trip, and when it came to returning home, there were only two options for the day I needed to come back, and neither was ideal. I had to either leave early in the morning from where I was, which wasn't what I was hoping or arrive at midnight back in Boise, which again wasn't the most ideal situation. With only two selections, I was forced to adapt my schedule to make it work. Ideally arriving home in the afternoon would be better.
There's No Place Like Home
While traveling is great and it is fun to see new places, the longer you are gone, the more you miss home. No place is as good as home, and being away makes you realize that. Other places can be disappointing, too crowded, too expensive, and make you miss home. The one good part about a trip, is you will come back home, but those days away are sometimes not as enjoyable as you had thought they would be before the trip.
Traffic, People, and Expenses, Oh My!
At times Twin feels like it is too crowded and traffic has gotten worse, but after traveling to a bigger city, you begin to miss Twin Falls. You realize you have more space, the traffic isn't so bad, and typically things are a little cheaper, depending on where you travel to. While visiting a big city or tourist attraction can be fun, the number of people it draws in, the traffic you have to wait in, and the money you spend may not be worth it all.
Culture Shock
Traveling away from Twin Falls in the winter can be common to want to escape the cold weather. It is nice to go elsewhere and unthaw for a few days or a week. The only issue is that after your unthawing vacation, the moment you step off the plane or drive back into Idaho you are reintroduced to the arctic temperatures. It takes time for your body to adjust back, compared to if you don't leave, you stay numb and cold all the time.

Taking time off work and getting out of town is necessary from time to time to see friends, and family, and to let your mind escape. It is good to get away, but sometimes it isn't worth the hassle. The next time you begin thinking about taking a trip and some time off to travel, think of these before you do. You may be better off spending a week at home and shutting your phone off to avoid work instead of leaving the Magic Valley.
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