Ranking the 5 Most Frustrating Parking Lots in Twin Falls
Running errands and going out can be a drag. You have to deal with traffic, and people, and it takes time out of your day when you could be doing something else. Unfortunately, we all have to go grocery shopping, shop for clothes, and do other things we need. One of the processes that are the worst when it comes to doing these things is parking. In some places, it isn't so bad, but in others, it is awful and forces us to scream words that we have to ask forgiveness for later on. Here are the worst places to park in Twin Falls.
#5 CSI Expo Center Parking Can Be Tough
While the CSI Expo Center parking lot may not always be the worst, when there are big events, it can be a little tough to get out of. Most people will park and walk, but for those that park near the front door, it can be difficult with cars coming and going, so it may force you to be patient and watch for cars and people behind you. If that isn't enough, you may have a truck parked behind you for a while too. Luckily, this isn't an everyday occurrence, so it is only bad a few times a year.
#4 Parking on Main Street in Twin Falls
For anyone that has ever needed to find a place to park on Main Street in downtown Twin Falls, you know how tough it can be to find a spot. Even if you are lucky enough to get one, odds are you had to wait a while to get it, or you will have to wait a bit to try and get out of your spot. Most downtowns are notoriously terrible for parking, and Twin Falls is no different.
#3 Chick-Fil-A Parking in Twin is Bad
It isn't that the Chick-Fil-A parking lot is so bad, as much as the drive-thru affects it, as well as the location. With the drive-thru often going out into the Target parking lot, it can make it difficult to get in and out of the parking lot for those that want to go inside. It is usually better to park in the Target parking lot and walk across, instead of trying to navigate around the line of cars.
#2 Walmart Parking is Terrible
Most Walmart parking lots are notorious for being crowded and bad, but the Twin Falls Walmart seems to be a little worse than most. With the curbs in the lot, it seems you can turn around sooner than you can, instead you have to go all the way to the end. There are rarely spots close to the door and the people walk right in front of you or put carts into empty spots. It isn't fun to get through and is a pain when needing to run in for just one or two items. You will spend more time parking than you do in the store.
#1 Costco Parking is the Worst
The worst parking lot in all of Twin has to be Costco. It doesn't matter when you go during business hours, it is always bad. Nobody seems to know the right direction to go on the rows, even though the direction of the parking spots should be a giveaway. People do not care if there are cars, they walk in front of them, and it also seems to take a clan of people to load and unload a car, as well as move the cart. The best bet is to park over in the Wilson Bates parking lot. It will save you time, from getting upset, and your sanity. The Costco parking lot is where nightmares come true when behind a wheel.

This list could be much longer if every place on Blue Lakes was included, but these are the five that stick out the most. Make sure to keep your cool and not back into any cars, people, or carts. You will most likely yell profanity, so make sure the kids aren't with you if you plan to try and park in any of these locations. What places were left off the list that you think are bad as well? Be patient, be safe, and maybe park a little further and walk when needed to go near these locations.
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