People Of Twin Falls: Do You Love Or Hate Christmas Music
I feel like every year the biggest arguments around the holidays consist of someone who loves Christmas music and movies and someone who hates Christmas music and movies. Let's focus on Christmas music right now. Do you love or hate it?
I personally love Christmas music. When KOOL 96.5 turns to the Christmas station my spirit just gets happy. Growing up my mom was a Christmas fanatic. She loved decorating, listening to music and watching movies. Though she isn't much into the spirit anymore, it is some of the best memories I have which may be part of the reason I love it so much. My boyfriend, however, despises Christmas music. Which category do you fall under?
Every year I have to negotiate the amount of time I am allowed to listen to Christmas music when he is home. The general consensus is on Christmas day or Christmas Eve while opening presents. Sometimes when I am decorating he will suck it up. I typically get one Christmas movie together as well. This year I am thinking Elf might be on the must-watch list. I usually watch A Muppet Christmas Carol every year. He said the ghost of Christmas past scared the pants off him so he won't watch it anymore. He said she is a creepy doll. I mean, he technically isn't wrong.
Are you the type of person who will listen to Christmas music all day every day during the holidays or are you a bit of a Scrooge and turn the Christmas music off?

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