Magic Valley Halloween Events And Activities
Get the costumes and candy ready - Halloween is ready to knock on your door asking for candy and scaring your pants off! No other holiday offers the fun and variety of activities that Halloween does. Haunted houses, corn mazes, pumpkin carving, costume contest, trick-or-treating, dress up parties, and so much more! Here's a list of the Halloween fun for all ages you can have in the Magic Valley starting this weekend.
- KOOL 96.5
KOOL 96.5 5Trick Or Treat On Bish's Street
Last year 3,100 people came through the trailers to get candy and show off their costumes. This year Trick Or Treat Street will be on Halloween day, October 31st from 3:30p-6pm in the Fred Meyer parking lot. Make sure you bring a bag and wear your costume for a fun and safe Halloween event. Plus - it is FREE!
- tubbsberryfarm
tubbsberryfarm 4Tubbs Berry Patch, Straw Maze, and Pumpkin Patch
The straw maze and petting zoo are geared to the under 10 age group for families with little kids. There is no scary maze. Bring the kids out and enjoy honey sticks, the animals, and running around the field looking for the exit to the maze, and for the perfect pumpkin! Pumpkin prices start at 50 cents.
- Facebook
Facebook 3The Haunted Forest
In 2012 the Haunted Forest came to Twin Falls! You can get scared without driving 40 minutes at the HAUNTED SWAMP, It is on 646 S. Park Ave W. That's about 3/4 of a mile North of the Stinker Station on Washington/So Park Ave. It will scare the pants off you!
- Facebook
Facebook 2The Haunted Mansions Of Albion
The nightmare returns with FIVE haunted attractions that will keep you gasping for air between screams. Come this year to once again feel that rush as you enter a world where only the only ones who can stay sane are the insane and your nightmares bleed into reality.
CSI 1CSI Corn Maze
The CSI corn maze is bigger...and taller this year! School and other daytime groups can make reservations to go through the maze. All proceeds will go to CSI student club activities and expenses.
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