Rants and Raves Raises Questions About Twin Falls Home: What Color is it?
Last week on a rants and raves page, somebody decided to post their neighbor's house and complain about the color of the home. The home had recently been painted, and the poster was accusing the house of being too purple and bringing down the value of the neighborhood. As is always the case, there is more to the story than that, but the poster also left many asking themselves a question that seems to be leaving people confused.
Is the House Purple or Gray?
While there are a few questions following the original post, the one that most people have to ask was is the house purple or gray? The poster that complained about the house claimed it was purple, but to this writer's eye, it looks to be gray. I asked the owner of the home, Justin, what color it was and he clarified that the paint was called "grayish," but with the right light, you can see purple in the picture as well. What color do you see? Is the house purple or gray?
Does the Color Bring Down the House and Neighborhood Value?
While the color may be in question, that is not the only question coming from this rant. The other main one, is does the new color bring down the value of the neighborhood and house, as the poster has stated? As seen in the first picture, the house was originally an army green, and according to Justin, the prior owners tried to paint it, making it look like it had green polka dots up close. I do not see a way that this lowered the value of the home or the neighborhood, but instead was an improvement. Can the color of a home bring down the value of a neighborhood these days?

What do you think? Is the house purple or gray? Does it lower the value of the neighborhood, improve it, or keep it the same? The post has been taken off of the rants and rave page, but the questions remain. I can barely keep up with my own home, and it is hard to understand how someone can care so much about someone else's. The house is painted nicely, but despite the name of the paint, what do you see?
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