We all know that really the worst place to live is Chubbuck, but the scientific method doesn’t include them on the list. That isn’t the only surprise either.
Uncover the shifting perceptions of million-dollar homes and what defines luxury in today's market. Delve into the housing market dynamics of Utah cities like Ogden, Provo, and Salt Lake City.
There have been a lot of publications over the last few years that have deemed Idaho to be one of the best, most affordable places to move to in America...
Figuring out where to move to can be stressful and finding the right place isn't easy, but Twin Falls seems to be a prime location for many to call home.
As is always the case, there is more to the story than that, but the poster also left many asking themselves a question that seems to be leaving people confused.
For many, living in Jerome, Kimberly, Buhl, or other smaller towns is more their style. Here are some of the reasons why it is better to live outside of Twin.