Idaho Adults May Not Be Prepared Enough For Death, Survey Shows
Death is something we all think about, but how prepared are we for it? A survey from last year has indicated that a large percentage of American adults are ill-prepared for their demise.
I lost my dad on President's Day of this year. He passed away in Twin Falls at the age of 86. He had a will that mentioned the fact he wanted to be buried at Snake River National Cemetery in Buhl, but as far as the handling of his burial was concerned, he made no attempt to pursue any kind of funeral arrangement assistance.

My dad had also let multiple life insurance policies lapse more than a year before his passing. Since he was a Marine Corps veteran, his burial and headstone were taken care of, but the cost of his casket, body preparation, and service totaled more than $8,000, which the family had to cover. My dad is an example of someone who talked and thought a lot about dying, but didn't really plan for it.
A 2022 survey from insurancenewsnet.com found that nearly half of American adults have made no death arrangements whatsoever. Funeral arrangements, wills, trusts, and burial coverage all fall into the category of preparations people should make for their death, but the fact that most people don't have a clue as to how long they're going to live makes this process less important to some.
There are some Idahoans I know that already have plots paid for and are more than prepared for the reality of death. How prepared are you?