Is The Idaho School System Failing Compared to Other States?
Before we know it, summer will end and another school year will begin. It seems like the school year just ended, and we are less than a month away from a new one beginning. The school district has been hard at work making changes, improving on what needs to get better, and also making schools safer. Idaho is not known to be the best school systems, but how do they truly fair against other states? Is the educational system as bad as some think, or is it better than perceived? What states have the best school systems and which states need improvement?
The Best and Worst States for Schools in the United States
Recently, a list was released by WalletHub, listing every state and Washington DC from the best school systems to the worst school systems. The two main categories they took into account were quality and safety. It was determined that Massachusetts had the best school system of any state, followed by Connecticut and New Jersey to round out the top three. Massachusetts was number one in both major categories. The state with the worst school system in the United States is New Mexico, just ahead of Alaska and Louisiana to round out the bottom three. New Mexico is last in quality, with South Carolina last in safety.
How Bad is the Idaho School System?
When it comes to Idaho and its school systems, they rank 37 according to the list. Considering Idaho isn't known to not have the best school systems, not being in the bottom ten seems like a win. Idaho ranks 34 in quality and 44 in safety, but with the recent changes to safety and the announcement of armed security guards being approved for all elementary schools, could Idaho soon be on the rise for this list? Another nice side note, Idaho is not in the bottom five of things such as test scores, dropout rate, or injured students.

While Idaho may be in the bottom half of school systems in the United States, changes are being made to help improve that. The educational categories are what will cause the most concerns for parents, and Idaho was able to stay off of those lists. To read the full list, click on the link above. The school systems are working hard to improve every year, and over time Idaho may find itself higher on this list and eventually make it into the top half.
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