Free Food Boxes For Those In Need Wednesday In Twin Falls
It doesn't need to be said that 2020 has been a hard year for a lot of people. The trials and hardship have ranged from money and job security to extreme emotional and physical struggles. The pandemic hasn't cared for how much money you have, your age, or even your previous health history. Anyone can be affected by COVID-19. The good news is that there are a lot of people in our communities doing their best to be rays of sunshine in the dark days.

This week, Wednesday October 28th, you can get free food if you are in need. Rob H., Executive Pastor at Amazing Grace Fellowship, contacted us to share the news that they were generously given nearly 1,000 food boxes to give to the Twin Falls, and surrounding areas, residents in need and struggling. To get a free, 20 pound, box of food for your family, show up at Amazing Grace Fellowship Wednesday morning in your vehicle and they will begin distributing them at 9 am. Boxes will be given on a first-come first-served basis until the boxes are gone.
To ensure the safety of all involved, the boxes will be given with minimum contact. Individuals are asked to stay in their cars and the volunteers will place the boxes in your car or trunk.
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