Customers Return as Idaho Restaurants Open for Business
I’ve been worried it’s going to be difficult to bring people back into restaurants in the Magic Valley, although. Last week I posted a story about a restaurant in Colorado. Ownership defied state government and opened Mother’s Day. The place was mobbed.
Saturday morning I circled the parking lot at Depot Grill. It was 7:43 A.M. While not every space was filled, there was a healthy turnout from what I could see. A few minutes earlier, I passed a barber shop on Shoshone Street. There, several men were waiting outside. Wearing masks and looking shaggy, they were doing what men in need of a trim do on Saturday mornings. It was the same way when I was a boy. The line would start forming one-half hour before the barber opened the door.
There, several men were waiting outside. Wearing masks and looking shaggy, they were doing what men in need of a trim do on Saturday mornings.
Polling data still maintains Americans are supportive of lock downs. Four out of five Democrats approve. Far fewer Republicans (there’s a whopping 50 point swing in results). But I don’t believe the numbers. Early Sunday morning the top story at Drudge was about the packed beaches in New York City and across the river in suburban New Jersey. People are seated in close quarters on the sand and at cafes.
Now, assuming in any large group of people there are some voters, and New York City and New Jersey being solidly in the camp of Democrats, then many of these people are simply telling pollsters what people think pollsters want to hear. Or the respondents don’t think the lockdown specifically applies to them, only others. It’s the attitude of many politicians who have been getting hair and nails done while everyone else is supposed to remain in home confinement.
Funny, mainstream media badgers the President for not wearing a mask. The same media soft-pedals stories about follow travelers getting a perm.
Oh, one other point. Saturday morning I went grocery shopping. Being polite, I put on a mask. I started unloading my groceries on the belt and the cashier hit the automatic and the belt moved. So, I stepped forward and started unloading the rest of the cart. She staggered backwards and recoiled as if I’d drawn a knife and, yet. She wasn’t wearing a mask. I think we need to call B.S.

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