The Top 5 Most Anticipated Book-to-Movie Adaptions for 2013
2013 is gearing up to have some great movie releases, some of which include the usual book-to-movie adaptions. Yet with allgreat new book to movie adaptions coming out, it can be difficult to figure out which one to spend $10 at the theater on, especially if you are not sure if it will wind up being a hit like 'Lord of the Rings' or a dude like 'Eragon.' Of course we're looking forward to part two of 'The Hobbit,' but here are a few more anticipated book-to-movie adaptions that you just have to see in theaters.
1. 'The Great Gatsby'
Based off of F. Scott Fitzgerald's classic novel of the same name, Baz Luhrmann's adaption of 'The Great Gatsby' stars Leonardo DiCaprio as the rich and shady Jay Gatsby and Tobey Maguire as Nick Carraway, the young Midwestern novelist who gets caught up in the web of lies and illusions that the super-rich of the 1920s New York weave.
Lurhmann, who is best known for 'Moulin Rouge' and 'Romeo + Juliet,' has illuminated the glitz and glamour of the 1920s with his own brand of visual flair, and we can't wait to see Leo rock the role of Jay Gatsby. Plus, Jay-Z is doing the soundtrack. At least it'll sound great.
2. 'Catching Fire'
Ever since Suzanne Collins' 'The Hunger Games' trilogy hit theaters, teen girls everywhere have been swooning over Liam Hemsworth and Josh Hutcherson as Gale and Peeta, and wishing that they could take archery lessons so that they could be as awesome as Katniss Everdeen.
When the first movie ended, Katniss was left cold by the realization that President Snow would do anything to bring her down and stop her from inciting a rebellion. We can't wait to see how the second movie in the trilogy brings to light the dystopian world of Panem and of course, we're eagerly looking forward to watching Jennifer Lawrence kicking butt as Katniss.
3. 'Warm Bodies'
Apparently, Summit Entertainment loves a good paranormal romance YA novel. Like 'Twilight,' 'Warm Bodies' is based off of the novel by Isaac Marion and tells the tale of the star-crossed romance between a young girl and a zombie boy who falls in love with her after rescuing her from a zombie attack. The best part about the whole storyline is that he does so after chowing down on her boyfriend's brains.We can only wish that we were making this up.
The plot is definitely a bit ridiculous but unlike 'Twilight,' which took itself far too seriously, 'Warm Bodies' has an element of humor in it. (If you don't believe us, check out Nicholas Holt's snarky monologue in the sneak peek.) Despite our questions on how exactly a zombie romance would work (he's dead, after all), we're looking forward to seeing a new take on the brain-eating ghouls.
4. 'Carrie'
Although the filmmakers would prefer that this movie be called a modernization and not a remake, we're not sure that anything could top the original 1976 movie. Still, we're always up for giving an adaption of Stephen King's thriller a chance because c'mon, who doesn't love a good scary movie now and then?
With Chloë Grace Moretz as 'Carrie' and Julianne Moore as her religious and over-bearing mother, we hope the actors deliver on the promise to explore the twisted relationship between mother and daughter. Despite the release date being pushed back to October 2013, we can't wait to see the movie to see if it surpasses the original and have fun nit-picking it to death if it doesn't.
5.'World War Z'
Based on the novel by Max Brooks, 'World War Z' is a post-apocalyptic horror novel that was published as a follow-up to his much lauded 'The Zombie Survival Guide.' So how does a horror novel that's written in the style of first-person interviews turn into an action thriller starring Brad Pitt? We're still not quite sure, and while die-hard book fans may be annoyed that screenwriter Matthew Michael Carnahan completely re-wrote the script to make sure it's set in present-day America, casual viewers and book readers will enjoy the action-flick angle. Plus, Brad Pitt is pretty to look at so even if it bombs, at least we'll have some eye candy in the movie.
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