ATTN Twin Falls Goat Owners: Goat Yoga Needs To Be A Thing Here In Twin Falls
Attention all of you who own goats, friendly goats, goats that like to be around people and aren't going to head butt everyone. Can you guys get together and make a goat yoga studio? Seriously, this needs to be a thing in Twin Falls.
Goat Yoga is a craze that has been around for a couple of years and it is exactly what it sounds like. You get to do yoga while there are goats all around you. If that doesn't sound like fun I don't know what does.
The goats will either leave you alone, jump on you or you can play with them. You can still get exercise in, you just forget your doing strenuous activity because there is so much cuteness around you. Honestly it could be a great way to get some people who aren't into exercise to get up and moving.
There are lots of amazing things to do in Twin Falls and I think goat yoga is the next thing that definitely needs to come here. I have never really done yoga before except stints here and there, I would go way more often if I also got to play with goats.
That may be the reason I also like to go the the county fairs and spend all my money at the petting zoos.
So goat owners: find yourself a yoga instructor, get your goats together and let's make this happen.

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