Your Final Opportunities to Block Idaho’s Proposed Wind Farms
We’re getting down to the wire on wind power. There are two events scheduled in early April that are designed to stoke opposition to the Lava Ridge Wind Project. If the Bureau of Land Management backtracks on the creation of the wind farm, then two others planned for the valley may also be scratched.
To review, the Lava Ridge Project would stretch across Jerome, Lincoln, and Minidoka Counties. Salmon Falls would be constructed south of Twin Falls. The Taurus farm would blight the horizon in Gooding County.
On Thursday, April 6th there is a rally and proclamation ceremony taking place at the Minidoka Internment Camp in Jerome County. Commissioners from possibly dozens of counties are expected to participate in the joint declaration. Organizers hope thousands will turn out as a demonstration of intense public opposition.
On Tuesday, April 11th, a rally of opposition is planned at the commons next to City Hall in Twin Falls. The start time is 7:00 p.m.
The leftists pushing alternative energy have hypocrisy oozing out of their pores. I came across this story from a Chicago newspaper. A Sierra Club Executive is demanding banks cut off funding for the Willow oil project in Alaska. The kook-a-loo warns there are migratory birds in the area. I suspect he’s suggesting the oil rigs would disturb the flyway. Yet, these are the same people more than willing to dice up birds in spinning turbines.
The whack-a-doodle also claims it will harm indigenous people (who overwhelmingly want the project). Yet, these are the same people willing to destroy the hallowed ground of the internment camp. Which housed Americans of Japanese descent during World War Two.
The greenies are disingenuous at best and scoundrels at worst.

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