Where Is the Best Place to Use the Bathroom in Twin Falls?
There is a rule many families use. Go before you go. It’s an effective rule until it isn’t. If you drink plenty of morning coffee, have a toddler, or are a healthy ‘take a water bottle everywhere’ type of person, then you know the plan has to have exceptions. Enter - public restroom planning.
Which Twin Falls Public Restroom is Best for You?
If you are shopping or out on the town, you need to keep track of the bathroom locations in emergency potty training or 3rd cup of coffee scenarios. We asked, and you responded with the best public bathrooms in Twin Falls.
Some bathrooms in Twin Falls are problematic to locate. Home Depot restrooms are hidden all the way in the back. Fred Meyer has them up front and there are plenty of stalls, but down a hall and a bit closed off. Not the easiest place to take a toddler who wants to do it themself. While easy to locate right up front, Winco’s are as far away from the front doors as possible. I do give them a bonus point for super-welded steel doors heavy enough to protect from an invading zombie horde.
Target has restrooms right up front. Walk 10 feet max, and there they are! Walmart has 2 bathroom locations to benefit the family of a toddler who likes to go twice in one visit. You don’t have to walk back to the front if they insisted they didn’t have to go when you walked in. Lowe’s is up in the front of the store with a nice ambiance. Maverik on Addison has small but clean restrooms with a hallway of nature to invite you in. The family restroom at the Magic Valley Mall and Penney’s were pleasantly surprising too. Penny’s looks like it’s going to be one sad sink with a single stall and BAM, it’s a full glorious bathroom!

My personal favorite is Costco. The bathroom has the men’s and women’s snail entrances together. Grandbaby can go to the bathroom in the men’s room “because there is a kids’ sized place to go”. He goes there, comes out so I can get him soap in the women’s bathroom since he is too short to reach the soap, then walks back to the men’s bathroom to rinse. It may take 3 times as long, but at least he’s washing like the sign says for employees to do.
Writing this story gave me the most unique opportunity to be a ‘secret shopper’ of restrooms. Noticeably, all were clean and uncootieful. Is your favorite public restroom on the list?
Which Twin Falls Public Restroom is Best for You?
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