I left my house today and the roads around Twin Falls seemed a lot different than normal.

A good portion of the road had multiple parallel white lines in between the painted lines, and I was pretty sure it wasn't just a bunch of new tiny bike lanes. That would be hilarious, but the actual reason is much more reasonable. Check out the lines in the video and then see what the lines are for.

Salt Water On Roads Causes Temporary White Lines

I didn't grow up in Idaho and this is the first place that I have seen the lines appear. I had my guesses at first that it was from the street sweepers. I was wrong.

It is actually from the pre-freeze salt brine treatment the city does before an extended period of sub-freezing temperatures. The saltwater is sprayed onto the roads before an expected storm to help prevent the roads from icing and becoming dangerous for drivers.

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KMVT reported on this 'new' type of treatment back in 2017. There are a variety of ways to keep roads from freezing or becoming dangerously slick in the winter including the salt brine mixture, road salt, and sand.

Why Are There Thin White Lines On Twin Falls Roads

Maybe this is why studies say that Idaho drivers are among the worst in the nation - we don't know which lines to stay inside. Did you see the lines earlier this week too and were you a bit confused like I used to be?

Credit N8
Credit N8

30 Things People Do When it Snows

The LaBelle Lake Ice Palace

Gallery Credit: Credit LaBelle Lake Ice Palace Facebook

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