Website Calculates How Much Toilet Paper You’ll Need

Veterans will tell you they never wasted toilet paper. It was rationed. Running out while in the field was something they wanted to avoid. Many of us at work are a little more liberal with use. After all, we reason, someone else is paying the cost (no wonder you haven’t gotten a raise). At home it varies. Your kids often have your work attitude.
How many sheets do you use? How many people are there in your home?
When I first started shaving, my dad yelled at me. I had the drain open and was letting the water run. He explained the idea is to close the drain and use a small pool of water. He also made it clear he was paying for the water. He used to shave in what he called an “iron piss pot” (during his time in the Army it’s what they called their helmets).
A new website aims to help you predict the amount of TP you’ll need if you end up quarantined. You can check it out by clicking this link.
You can choose from several variables. How often do you go to the bathroom each day? How many sheets do you use? How many people are there in your home?
I bought two bales of paper in early February with a bale already at home. I opened the first new bale last week and am on roll two! We used to call this TMI, but life with an invisible enemy called coronavirus makes us all a bit more forward.
A member of my audience listens via the app from as far away at Teton County. He did advise me about single ply. Make sure your nails are trimmed.
If you had asked me four weeks ago if I would ever be counting sheets of toilet paper, I would’ve thought your elevator didn’t go to the top floor. How the mighty have fallen.
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